Social Enterprise Related FAQ

What is the description of social enterprise in Malaysia?

The description of social enterprises in Malaysia has been improved as follows:

“A social enterprise is an entity registered under written law in Malaysia, driven by social objectives, has a business model that is financially capable of addressing social and/or environmental challenges, and aims to have a positive impact on beneficiaries and economies.”

This description is consistent with the characteristics of social enterprises at the global level, namely:

(i) Purpose-driven / mission-driven;

(ii) Financially viable business;

(iii)Addressing social and/or environmental challenges; and

(iv) Achieves positive impact

Who are the beneficiaries or target group under SEMy2030?

Beneficiaries or target groups under SEMy2030 include:

(1) Children

(2) Elderly

(3) Persons with disabilities (OKU)

(4) Homeless and beggars

(5) Victims of natural disasters

(6) Domestic violence victims

(7) Offenders under public community service orders

(8) Victims of human trafficking

(9) Disadvantaged youth

(10) Vulnerable populations

(11) Indigenous People

(12) Families vulnerable: Single Mother and Single Father

(13) People with addictions/drug addict

(14) Ex - Convicts

(15) Undocumented person

(16) Poor and Hardcore Poor Individual

(17) Animal protection

This list of target groups is not comprehensive and will be reviewed from time to time.

What are the purpose of Social Entrepreneurship under SEMy2030?

The purpose set under SEMy2030 are aligned with the shared Prosperity Vision 2030 (WKB2030) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

The identified purposes are:

(1) Social inclusion

(2) Education for all

(3) Social equality

(4) Protect victims of violence

(5) Affordable housing

(6) Food sufficiency

(7) Healthcare for all

(8) Cultural & heritage preservation

(9) Access to water and sanitation

(10)Environmental preservation

(11)Climate action

What is the Social Entrepreneurship Blueprint 2030 (SMy2030)?

Malaysia Social Entrepreneurship Blueprint 2030 or SEMy2030 is a new national direction for the development of social entrepreneurship in Malaysia.

SEMy2030 aims to create an ideal social entrepreneurship ecosystem for mainstreaming social enterprises in the economy and normalizing the social and environmental impact.

What are the objectives of SEMy2030?

The SEMy2030 has five objectives:

(1) Build a cohesive and holistic ecosystem for social entrepreneurship development in Malaysia;

(2) Create a critical mass of social entrepreneurs;

(3) Strengthen the capacity building and competitiveness of home-grown social enterprise;

(4) Mainstream social enterprise a effective contributor to national development; and

(5) Enhance and normalize social enterprise to bring positive social and environmental impact.

What is the aim of SEMy2030?

SSEMy2030 aims to mainstream social enterprise as an effective contributor to the country's inclusive, balanced, sustainable socioeconomic development.

What are the main content of SEMy2030?


• Set new description for social enterprise;

• Defines the mid-term and long-term targets; and

• Develops 5 strategic thrusts, 20 Strategies and 45 Initiatives.

How long is the implementation of SEMy2030?

SEMy2030 will be implemented over 10 years in two implementation phases:

Phase 1 (2021 - 2025): Strengthening the Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem;

Phase 2 (2025 - 2030): Mainstreaming Social Enterprise.

What is the desired outcomes of SEMy2030?

At the end of its implementation period, SEMy2030 set goals to achieve the following outcomes:

(1) Develop a cohesive and holistic social entrepreneurship ecosystem to improve awareness, connectivity and solidarity for the social enterprise movement and its stakeholders;

(2) Achieve a critical mass of social enterprises that have characteristic of purpose-driven, uplifting and sustainable business model;

(3) Build competitive home-grown social enterprises with the capacity and scalability to uplift their target beneficiaries for inclusive growth;

(4) Mainstream the social enterprise movement for effective economic contributions towards national development;

(5) Normalise positive social and environmental impacts that are supported by evidence-based data analysis.